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Who's Who

Who's Who in FootGolf Association of Scotland

FootGolf Association of Scotland is run by a dedicated Board of Trustees who put in a tremendous amount of voluntary hours to ensure the running of the association for the benefit of all.


Each trustee has a specific role on the board, and each will be more than willing to help you in any way they can, but please appreciate that they have a huge workload and may take a little bit of time to get back to you if you try and get in touch.

Board of Trustees 2024.png

Our Player Liaison Officers are always there to listen and answer any questions you may have, or to pass any feedback on in case you maybe don't feel comfortable speaking directly to one of the trustees...they are there to support you with whatever you wish to talk about


Become A Tour Member

To be able to register for events and to compete on The Scottish National Tour, you'll need to apply for your Tour Membership.

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